- Businesses
- Customers
- Suppliers
Catalog Process
ACME Corporation Employees need to be able to manage products:
- Employee browses the Product Catalog
- Employee adds additional products to the Product Catalog
- Employee unlists products in the Product Catalog
- Employee relists products in the Product Catalog
- Employee selects the Supplier for each product
- Employee sets the retail price for each product
- Employee sets product price discounts
Sales Process
The primary sales process is triggered by the Customer:
- Customer browses the Product Catalog
- Customer adds products to the Shopping Cart
- Customer submits order
- Customer makes a payment
- Business receives the payment
- Order is shipped to the customer
- Inventory is updated based on the shipped products
Purchasing Process
The primary purchasing process is triggered either automatically (when stock for a product goes below a minimum) or when the procurement department specifically makes a purchase order:
- System creates a purchase order
- System sends purchase order
- Supplier fulfills the order and ships the products to ACME
- ACME ERP records the received products within inventory
- Supplier sends an invoice to the ACME
- Acme makes payment for the invoice